R is a leading statistical analysis software which comes with many new packages. I recently got to know about “dygraphs” which create beautiful time series visualizations.
Plots can be zoomed, highlighted, and many more can be done.
These interactive plots provide users to play with plots and understand in a better way.
I see this plots are equally dazzling as Tableau and Qlikview does.
I choose walmart sales data which you can download from:
Data Processing
#### load the needed libraries####
## Attaching package: 'reshape'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:plyr':
## rename, round_any
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## as.Date, as.Date.numeric
#### load the datasets####
walmartSales <- read.csv("WalmartSales.csv")
features <- read.csv("features.csv")
#### look of the data#####
## Store Dept Date Weekly_Sales IsHoliday
## 1 1 1 2010-02-05 24924.50 FALSE
## 2 1 1 2010-02-12 46039.49 TRUE
## 3 1 1 2010-02-19 41595.55 FALSE
## 4 1 1 2010-02-26 19403.54 FALSE
## 5 1 1 2010-03-05 21827.90 FALSE
## 6 1 1 2010-03-12 21043.39 FALSE
#### number of stores and departments#####
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
## [24] 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
## [24] 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49
## [47] 51 52 54 55 56 58 59 60 67 71 72 74 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 85 87 90 91
## [70] 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 39 50 43 65
#### Average sales in each store across all departments ###
##Change the colname
## Merge the data sets
mergedSales <- merge(AvgSalesStore,features,by = c("Store","Date"))
## glance of AvgSalesStore
## Store Date sales Temperature Fuel_Price MarkDown1 MarkDown2
## 1 1 2010-02-05 1643691 42.31 2.572 NA NA
## 2 1 2010-02-12 1641957 38.51 2.548 NA NA
## 3 1 2010-02-19 1611968 39.93 2.514 NA NA
## 4 1 2010-02-26 1409728 46.63 2.561 NA NA
## 5 1 2010-03-05 1554807 46.50 2.625 NA NA
## 6 1 2010-03-12 1439542 57.79 2.667 NA NA
## MarkDown3 MarkDown4 MarkDown5 CPI Unemployment IsHoliday
## 1 NA NA NA 211.0964 8.106 FALSE
## 2 NA NA NA 211.2422 8.106 TRUE
## 3 NA NA NA 211.2891 8.106 FALSE
## 4 NA NA NA 211.3196 8.106 FALSE
## 5 NA NA NA 211.3501 8.106 FALSE
## 6 NA NA NA 211.3806 8.106 FALSE
Store 3 time series plot
## Select store 3
store3 <- mergedSales[mergedSales$Store==3,]
names(store3)[3] <-"store3"
## Store Date store3 Temperature Fuel_Price MarkDown1 MarkDown2
## 3246 3 2011-12-30 410553.9 48.29 3.129 1449.16 14356.07
## 3247 3 2012-01-06 398178.2 52.42 3.157 3824.22 9389.98
## 3248 3 2012-01-13 367438.6 51.86 3.261 3927.76 3323.64
## 3249 3 2012-01-20 365818.6 56.20 3.268 720.82 1629.26
## 3250 3 2012-01-27 349518.1 58.06 3.290 774.55 349.99
## 3251 3 2012-02-03 424960.7 59.33 3.360 9667.50 268.29
## MarkDown3 MarkDown4 MarkDown5 CPI Unemployment IsHoliday
## 3246 66.66 81.43 777.35 223.0091 7.197 TRUE
## 3247 15.00 415.36 1476.85 223.1923 6.833 FALSE
## 3248 NA 226.97 1725.19 223.3755 6.833 FALSE
## 3249 1.46 16.05 799.50 223.4701 6.833 FALSE
## 3250 NA 4.00 328.72 223.5646 6.833 FALSE
## 3251 0.60 8368.15 804.24 223.6591 6.833 FALSE
## Create xts object
## [1] "xts" "zoo"
## Time Series plot
## Warning in FUN(X[[4L]], ...): converting an R function to JSON as null. To
## change this, define a method for toJSON() for a 'function' object.
Store 16 time series plot
## Select store 16
store16 <- mergedSales[mergedSales$Store==16,]
names(store16)[3] <-"store16"
## Store Date store16 Temperature Fuel_Price MarkDown1 MarkDown2
## 1101 16 2011-12-30 665861.1 23.91 3.119 921.67 11778.68
## 1102 16 2012-01-06 564538.1 26.49 3.095 443.59 5524.49
## 1103 16 2012-01-13 508520.1 19.55 3.077 1353.58 2551.73
## 1104 16 2012-01-20 474389.8 29.30 3.055 2087.19 1399.47
## 1105 16 2012-01-27 453979.2 28.17 3.038 612.01 1011.32
## 1106 16 2012-02-03 475905.1 25.53 3.031 32702.46 747.82
## MarkDown3 MarkDown4 MarkDown5 CPI Unemployment IsHoliday
## 1101 101.87 272.51 1673.25 196.3586 6.232 TRUE
## 1102 15.70 35.25 3296.96 196.5458 6.162 FALSE
## 1103 0.24 289.67 1899.49 196.7331 6.162 FALSE
## 1104 5.58 75.83 4742.74 196.7797 6.162 FALSE
## 1105 NA 8.41 2482.91 196.8263 6.162 FALSE
## 1106 2.39 8063.07 2940.68 196.8729 6.162 FALSE
## Create xts object
## [1] "xts" "zoo"
## Time Series plot
Store 20 time series plot
## Select store 20
store20 <- mergedSales[mergedSales$Store==20,]
names(store20)[3] <-"store20"
## Store Date store20 Temperature Fuel_Price MarkDown1 MarkDown2
## 1816 20 2011-12-30 2043245 36.35 3.389 6918.65 97740.99
## 1817 20 2012-01-06 1964702 33.42 3.422 9273.46 45971.43
## 1818 20 2012-01-13 1911511 37.79 3.513 3627.81 18632.14
## 1819 20 2012-01-20 1892776 27.65 3.533 2465.98 5030.40
## 1820 20 2012-01-27 1761017 37.19 3.567 1023.60 3044.15
## 1821 20 2012-02-03 2203523 39.93 3.617 58928.52 8766.77
## MarkDown3 MarkDown4 MarkDown5 CPI Unemployment IsHoliday
## 1816 270.38 1648.03 2852.19 212.4036 7.082 TRUE
## 1817 207.60 1365.38 5460.86 212.5711 6.961 FALSE
## 1818 108.48 847.70 3614.04 212.7386 6.961 FALSE
## 1819 106.54 999.54 3380.92 212.8336 6.961 FALSE
## 1820 106.08 52.87 2447.73 212.9286 6.961 FALSE
## 1821 226.27 53603.99 8301.25 213.0236 6.961 FALSE
## Create xts object
## [1] "xts" "zoo"
## Time Series plot
Store 8 time series plot
## Select store 8
store8 <- mergedSales[mergedSales$Store==8,]
names(store8)[3] <-"store8"
## Store Date store8 Temperature Fuel_Price MarkDown1 MarkDown2
## 6249 8 2011-12-30 858572.2 36.33 3.129 3701.08 36381.83
## 6250 8 2012-01-06 872113.2 43.47 3.157 3093.39 26001.46
## 6251 8 2012-01-13 817661.8 36.46 3.261 6725.29 12764.99
## 6252 8 2012-01-20 813954.8 46.81 3.268 1643.08 1055.47
## 6253 8 2012-01-27 778178.5 45.52 3.290 6065.01 730.16
## 6254 8 2012-02-03 927610.7 45.56 3.360 41524.03 1412.41
## MarkDown3 MarkDown4 MarkDown5 CPI Unemployment IsHoliday
## 6249 164.34 178.40 1508.56 223.0577 6.123 TRUE
## 6250 96.35 500.91 4468.63 223.2410 5.825 FALSE
## 6251 15.98 299.73 3851.69 223.4243 5.825 FALSE
## 6252 9.02 411.88 3161.92 223.5188 5.825 FALSE
## 6253 15.18 30.28 24241.12 223.6134 5.825 FALSE
## 6254 83.15 18723.56 3886.31 223.7079 5.825 FALSE
## Create xts object
## [1] "xts" "zoo"
## Time Series plot
Store 6 time series plot
## Select store 6
store6 <- mergedSales[mergedSales$Store==6,]
names(store6)[3] <-"store6"
## Store Date store6 Temperature Fuel_Price MarkDown1 MarkDown2
## 5963 6 2011-12-30 1598081 46.80 3.129 6098.54 82881.16
## 5964 6 2012-01-06 1395340 50.82 3.157 3220.17 32056.43
## 5965 6 2012-01-13 1344243 48.33 3.261 4779.48 11967.81
## 5966 6 2012-01-20 1326256 55.37 3.268 3413.91 1540.99
## 5967 6 2012-01-27 1315611 53.95 3.290 1510.59 630.92
## 5968 6 2012-02-03 1496306 57.45 3.360 36848.38 1772.68
## MarkDown3 MarkDown4 MarkDown5 CPI Unemployment IsHoliday
## 5963 326.68 814.58 2728.99 221.1283 6.551 TRUE
## 5964 108.24 985.76 6650.63 221.3088 6.132 FALSE
## 5965 65.72 575.13 4512.18 221.4893 6.132 FALSE
## 5966 33.02 449.06 6587.63 221.5831 6.132 FALSE
## 5967 37.10 17.00 2641.90 221.6769 6.132 FALSE
## 5968 161.55 28199.34 7151.33 221.7707 6.132 FALSE
## Create xts object
## [1] "xts" "zoo"
## Time Series plot
Comparision of 5 stores sales
## let us compare sales of 5 walmart stores
AllStores <- cbind(store3_xts[,2],store16_xts[,2],store20_xts[,2],store8_xts[,2],store6_xts[,2])
dygraph(AllStores) %>%
dyLegend(width = 200)%>%
dyHighlight(highlightCircleSize = 3,
highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha = 0.2,
hideOnMouseOut = FALSE)
Data set contains many stores, and many departments. You can explore more with the basic code and data provided.